Monday, December 5, 2011

It's a....Girl!?!

Well, guess intuition is not to be totally trusted in pregnancy!! I was completely caught off guard by this one! I had joked with J that unless the doc could positively show me proof that this was a girl, I was going for a 3D/4D ultrasound, even if I had to put it on the credit card I'm trying to pay off before the baby comes. Well, when he pulled the probe back to get a kidney shot, I got a clear view of everything. Then he "officially" looked...and even though I knew he was right, I made him recheck three times! He finally looked at me and said, "Unless she sprouts a  penis in the next 20 weeks, it's a girl. This is as good a shot as you're ever gonna get!" Normally he's very serious and straight-faced with me, but I DID make him laugh a little when I told him, "You don't understand - my mom is never going to let me live this down. She told me she knew this was a girl, just like she knew Geoff [my brother] was a boy even when you said he wasn't." Knowing my mom for as long as he has (over 30 years...22 of which as her OB/GYN), all he could do was laugh at that one...because it's definitely true!

Both families are ecstatic - my brothers were hoping for a niece to spoil rotten, and me being the only girl means my dad has a LOT of little girl spoiling left in him! (Mom already "knew", but she's excited for tea parties and princess cakes.) And J's side? Well, this is the first girl born in his dad's family since 1865 - they all thought there was no way we could have a girl. So yeah, I'd say they're just a little thrilled. :)

So our ultrasound was a week ago tomorrow...and I'm finally getting used to the idea that we're having a little girl and not the boy we thought we were going to have. I've finally stopped calling her "it" and "him" (what can I say, I spent 18 weeks thinking it was a boy!). She has a name. I have settled a color scheme for her room, though exact colors won't be decided until closer to Christmas. I hit the thrift stores on Friday and bought some pink and purple onesies and jumpers. And the first of many crocheted blankets this little girl will have has been started.

So without further ado... Aimee Lynne's first pictures...and a new belly shot!

Hand in front of her's a very skeletal shot

Much better face shot

20 about 2 weeks ago. I can barely get those pants over my thighs/hips now...they're in the "postpartum" bin in my closet.


  1. What an adorable name!! I love the color scheme as well, I'm sure its going to be a beautiful nursery. You'll have to have me over some time to see it when it's done! (or is your baby shower going to be at your house?)

    You're definitely looking pregnant now!

    I'm overly excited for you. =)

  2. Lol, btw we have very similar titles, just a few months apart! Haha

  3. No idea where it's gonna be yet. It'd be great to have it here, but mom n I haven't really talked too much about it yet.

  4. Okay, I'm excited to hear. I've still never been to your house and I think you still haven't met Katie! Would be neat to knock both of those out at once (plus I don't think your mom's place could hold a shower!)
